About me
My name is Magnus Nilsen and I'm a construction technologist, currently working for NTI. My expertise lies in helping clients in the construction industry utilising technology to increase their profit, become future proof and ultimately make our built environment better.
I have a deep passion for architecture and the construction industry in general, and especially how technology can be an enabler for making better buildings. I've also always been very business minded, and strongly believe that technological and environmental friendly processes goes hand in hand with profitability. By optimising material usage and reducing waste we will be able to build buildings better, faster, cheaper and more environmental friendly.
One of the most interesting aspects of the construction industry is the myriad of different parties for each project. All parties lives in their own sub-industry with their own processes, their own expertise and their own goals. Making all of these parties work together towards the same goal, which is creating a better built environment, is what I live and breathe for.